Senin, 29 April 2019

The Findings and Discussion of Journal


Hello, readers! So grateful we can meet again in this new post. Now, I would like to review the continuance of the previous post that I’ve posted before. This post explain about the findings, discussion and conclusion of the journal entitled above. Hope you will get new meaningful knowledge everybody 😁

1. The Findings

This research is conducted for two cycles. The data of the research are presented by cycle consisting of three types namely (1) pre-test of students’ writing achievement, (2) post-test of students’ writing achievement in cycle I, and (3) post-test of students’ writing achievement in cycle II or the end of the research. Then, this research also presents the students’ perception regarding to teaching and learning writing through EAM. In terms of types data, this research consists of quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data are the students’ achievement in writing. Then, the qualitative data are the students’ perception toward EAM.

2. Discussion

Based on the description of the data above, after cycle I ends, the students’ average writing scores are improving significantly  from pre-test (59.42) to be (67.58) at the end of cycle I. It means that there is an improvement of student score about (8.16) point at the end of cycle I. In cycle II or at the end of the research, the students’ average in writing achievement increases significantly from (67.58) in cycle I to be (76.74). It means that there is a (10.16) basis point of improvement. In addition, this also means that the improvement of students’ writing achievement is bigger than that of the improvement from pre-test to the end of the cycle I (8.16) basis points. Then, the improvement of the students’ average in writing become higher when it is seen from the average of pre-test (59,42) basis point to be (76,74) basis point at cycle II or at the end of the research. The value of the improvement is about (17.32) basis point.

The significant effect of EAM as a teaching and learning method or strategy is actually also reported by Dirgeyasa and Husein (2007: 25). However, their research is concerned with the structure subject. But, principally, the EAM can improve the students’ learning achievement significantly.

So it is clearly stated that that the EAM really is effective to improve the students’ writing achievement. This happens because the EAM has three strengths and advantages for teaching and learning such as (1) the lecturer really know how far the learning objectives have been achieved, (2) the error analysis provides data, fact, and evidences s how the students learn and what strategies they use for, and (3) the error and mistakes made by the students can be used as learning resources or materials for further studies so that they will know what wrongs are or what corrects are (Brown,1980; Corder 1981; Chafe,W.L,1982).
In term of the  perception regarding the use of the EAM, the data show that the students’ perception  towards the EAM as a teaching and learning method for teaching writing is classified into two 6 (six) items namely (1) relevant, (2) systematic, (3) practical, (4) critical and analytical, (5) motivating, and (6) interesting. The results show that students have different perceptions regarding to the EAM for teaching and learning writing as shown by table 5 below.

3. Conclusion

Based on the results of research and discussion, by implementing the EAM systematically and consistently, it can help the students to improve their writing achievement significantly. It increases to be (76.74) in average or it improves (17.32) basis points from the pre-test (59.42). Besides that, it also provides the students’ to have positive and good perceptions toward the EAM for teaching and learning writing skill of English. Also, the EAM can lead the students to think critically and analytically about the subject they learn.

I think it is enough for this post. I’m sorry because a lot of mistakes that I’ve made in this post.
“Nothing is perfect”~

Minggu, 21 April 2019

The similarities and differences between two journals

Hello everybody, I’m glad to see you again. Now I would like to give you some information about the differences between my previous review journal and the new review journal. Actually, I have so many tasks that should be finished in this week, but I still want to share to you some little information about that journal. I hope the information will be useful for you guys. So enjoy it……😁


The similarities between them is they are both explained how the way to improve students’ writing skills. They also have similarities opinion that said learning language in the classroom is not enough to improve students’ writing skills. Both of them thought that learning in the classroom are monotonous and are making bored for students. Both of them thought to find another method or way to make students’ writing skills improving because students’ writing skills is very important for students.

The differences between the two journals are the method that used to identify the problem in improving students’ writing skills. The previous journal explained that using a Facebook can help students’ improving their writing skills because so many students in this era use social media. Facebook is one of the social media that often used by students to express their feelings, opinions, or other things. So the previous journal said that using Facebook can help students to improve their writing skills but still with control by their teacher. Meanwhile, the new journal said that error analysis method can help students improving their writing skills. By implementing the EAM systematically and consistently, it can help the students to improve their writing achievement significantly. In addition, the lecturers also should allocate enough time during the process of teaching and learning because the EAM provides relatively long and complex steps and procedure to implement.

Now, I would like to review the new journal that I’ve found in . As I have mentioned before the new journal entitled THE IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH ERROR ANALYSIS METHOD.

Parts of journal are:
  2. Personal author: Wy Dirgeyasa
  3. Abstract
  4. Keywords
  5. Introduction
  6. Literary review
  7. Research methodology 
  8. The findings and discussion
  9. Conclusion
  10. References 

For this moment, I would like to review introduction, literary review and research methodology. First, in the introduction, the writer wrote about how very important writing skill is. Beside of four language skills, the writing skill is the one of skills that very important to have by every students. In this part, writer also wrote that the method that usually uses in the classroom often monotonous and bored for students.  The writer has shown that the error analysis method is assumed to be relevant for teaching and learning writing. Because of regarding to EAM, (Nunan (1995; Harmer, 2009) argues that it is a typical teaching and learning process emphasizing the bottom-up approach in which the students’ involvement and participation  are essential during the teaching and learning process. Second, literary review, in this part, the writer explained about the explanation about Error and Error Analysis Method (EAM). Generally, the writer wrote definition of error in language learning may be relatively different among the linguists. Error in language learning occurs because the learner is not able to use language properly and correctly. Furthermore,  Error analysis (EA) or Error analysis Method  (EAM) is an alternative to contrastive analysis, an approach influenced by behaviorism through which applied linguists search to use the formal distinctions between the learners' first and second languages to predict errors.  Third, research methodology. The methodology that is used by writer is the classroom action research. Test is used as a technique to collect data from students. Then, instrument for collecting data is essay writing test. The writing is assessed by using assessment rubric. Then, the data are analyzed by descriptive analysis.

I think it is enough for now. I hope this will be useful for you. I’ll be back soon.
To be continued. 

Sabtu, 06 April 2019

Teaching Vocabulary Using Film and Video

Hello again good readers! How have you been? I hope all of you always happy and healthy 😄. Now, I'm back for my new post in my blog after I've finished my Midterm Test. I hope you will enjoy it 😄.

Now, I'd like to give my opinion about International Journal of English Language Teaching that published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( ). This journal entitled TEACHING VOCABULARY USING FILM AND VIDEO: THE DEVELOPMENT OF
SENIOR SECONDARY STUDENTS’ REGISTERS by Oluwayomi S. Oladunjoye (PhD). This International Journal really helps me to know and to understand about journal that explained about English Language teaching. This journal also has many volume that you can search it and you can find it to gain your knowledge.

Firstly, I'd like to mention the components of the journal.
2. Name of Ownership - Oluwayomi S. Oladunjoye (Ph.D).
3. Abstract
4. Keywords
5. Introduction
6. Statement of the Problem
7. Brief Literature Review
8. Research Question
9. Methodology
10. Instrumentation
11. Procedures
12. Data Analysis
13. Results
14. Discussion
15. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
16. References

Secondly, I'd like to give my opinion about the introduction of this journal. In this part, the journal has explained that vocabularies is one of the importants points in English aspects, beside writing, listening, speaking and reading. The four of English skills cannot be reached if someone or people cannot master the vocabularies. The vocabularies help people to master the fourth English skills. According to this journal, Stakeholders in educational sector frequently complain on the low quality of education in Nigeria educational system.

"Stakeholders in educational sector frequently complain on the low quality of
education in Nigeria educational system and the resultant effect of poor academic performance among senior secondary school students in English language. Some blame the students for this apparent decline in quality of education and moral values; others blame the teachers for the woes in our schools, while the teachers shifted the blame on the children and parental attitudes to their children education (Arony & Ogbadu, 2010)."

Based on that quotation, student have declined in quality of education and moral values.

Flexibility is now required more than ever,
in the classrooms to attend to handling the heterogeneous nature of language learners; to capture their proficiency levels and address their interests and learning strategies. This becomes easy to achieve through appropriate application of film and video. Film and Video are multimedia forms that convey information through two simultaneous sensory channels: aural (audio) and visual. The learners more enjoy learning English by using film and video. From film and video, the learners can easily to learn vocabularies and easily to learn English language in a congtext but still enjoyable for them.

Third, the review of journal will be continued. I hope you'll get the advantages from these. See you~
Thank you~  🌱