Review book the Happiness Trap
HELLO GOOD READERS!!! 😍 welcome again in my blog. For the first, I'de like to say thankyou becuase you've come in my blog. This book has a lot of chapter, so please enjoy reading this review 😀
This chapter tell about how emotions can control our behaviour. Because sometimes people not realize that they're controlled by their emotions. Emotions like the weather. They're always present and constantly changing. As we know that the emotions always appear suddenly based on what we feel and think. And sometimes people can't control their emotions, but their emotions that control them.
Chapter 11 The Struggle Switch
This chapter tell about the struggle switch that everyone has. The struggle switch is like an emotional amplifier-switch it ON and we can have anger about our anxiety, anxiety about our anger, depression about our depression, or guilt about our guilt. we could even have guilt about our anger about our anxiety-and then depression about that!. in the struggle switch we can know how our feelings work in the different situation. its called the struggle switch.
Chapter 12 How The Struggle Switch Developed
In this chapter you will know about how our mind can detect and judge some emotions become bad or negative and some emotions become good or positive. We can judge some emotions bad or negative based on what we have felt. If the emotions can come pleasant and happy for us, automatically we can think and say that it’s a good emotions. Moreover, when the emotions can come an unpleasant feelings and an uncomfortable feelings for us, we can judge it as a bad or negative emotions. In this chapter you’ll also know about how the mind adds to our emotional discomfort. Judging is one of the most common ways that our mind adds to our emotional discomfort, however, there are plenty of others. Judging is something that we can always do realize or not. We don’t escape from that emotions because of what the mind said. We should say thank to mind and the emotions will be make us better than we never thank to our mind. So, we should say thank you to our mind for all that the mind did for us.
Chapter 13 Staring Down
This chapter give us information about how bad or
negative or sadness emotions can make us uncontrolled. Though this is a common
fear, it isn’t based in fact. Remember, ACT has been proven effective with a
wide range of psychological problems, from anxiety and depression to addiction
and even schizophrenia. This emotions can make us being uncontrolled person in
manage our emotions.
Chapter 14 Troubleshooting Expansion
In this chapter, you will know about
troubleshooting expansion. This chapter will give you information about what
you should do when you have problems and how you accept your unpleasant
feelings. This chapter will give you an expansion about how to manage your
feelings and your emotions when you are in down position. You can remember
these three steps with a simple acronym: A=Accept your internal experience.
C=Choose a valued direction. T=Take action.
Chapter 15 Urge Surfing
Emotions prime your body to take action; that
is, every emotion gives you the impulse to act in a certain way. We call that
impulse an ‘urge’. And we experience all kinds of urges besides those mainly
associated with emotions. The
Observe Acronym, whenever you find yourself having troublesome urges, there’s a
basic routine you can follow. You can remember it with the acronym OBSERVE:
O=Observe, B=Breathe, S=Surf, E=Expand, R=Refocus, V=Values, E=Engage.
In reading through your list, you have probably
already noticed a variety of unhelpful thoughts and unpleasant feelings. The
next step is to make some time to practice defusion and/or expansion with these
demons. What valued activities can you do in the next few days that will give
you a chance to meet these demons, see them for what they are and make peace
with them? Set yourself a few goals: specify the time, the place and the
activity you’ll do. Then engage yourself fully in that activity. And if you
have trouble with any of this, don’t be discouraged.
Chapter 17 The Time Machine
This chapter give you information about what is
the time machine. The thinking self is rather like a time machine: it
continually pulls us into the future and the past. We spend a huge amount of
time worrying about, planning for or dreaming of the future, and a huge amount
of time rehashing the past. This makes perfect sense in terms of evolution.
Chapter 18 The Dirty Dog
In this chapter you will know about relation
between connection and unpleasant feelings. If it’s hard to connect fully with
pleasant events, then it’s natural that we should so easily disconnect from the
unpleasant ones. Whenever we encounter an unpleasant event, we naturally try
our best to get rid of it or avoid it. This chapter also give you
information about when you're washing your dirty dog it has connection with a
useful chore, a task you've been avoiding, and build your muscle, build your
lives. It give advantages for you. The important things that we can take from
it is we can forget and negotiate unpleasant feelings.
Thank you for reading 💕
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