Kamis, 08 November 2018

Synopsis The Happiness Trap

Synopsis The Happiness Trap

About the book
Title : The Happiness Trap
Author : Russ Harris
Pages : 240 Pages

Hello everyone, nice to meet you my blog again 😄 Now , I want to share synopsis about book that title The Happiness Trap. You can see the cover book below!

This book tells that happiness is something that very needed. The word ‘happiness’ has two very different meanings. Usually it refers to a feeling: a sense of pleasure, gladness or gratification. And the other meaning of happiness is ‘a rich, full and meaningful life’. Based on the second meaning of happiness, we know that people think happiness is when we are being rich. Rich be a standard to know that you're happy person. Full and meaningful life, beside rich be a standard for happiness, meaningful life also be a standard. Why meaningful life be a standard of happiness? Because people never be happy person when their life are not give advantages for other people.

Part 1 How You Set The Happiness Trap
In this chapter Russ Harris described that how you set the happiness trap there were two point, Fairy tales and Vicious Cycle. In Fairy tales there were myth of the happiness. Such as, the first myth is happiness is the natural state for all human beings, the second myth is If you’re not happy, you’re defective, the third myth is to create a better life, we must get rid of negative feelings, and the last myth is you should be able to control what you think and feel. And in Vicious Cycle there are questions about your problem. In this part, Harris tells about how you will learn to create and get stuck in the happiness trap. This part is  a really important and essential part so kindly do not skip it, you can not escape from the trap unless and until you do not know how It works.

Part 2 Transforming Your Inner World
In this part, you will learn instead of avoiding such painful thoughts and feeling. Because this part you will learn to handle it properly and learn how to fundamentally transform your relationship with them, also this part you will learn how to experience painful thoughts and feelings in a new way that will reduce their impact, take away its power and also decrease its influence over you and your life. Its also very important things to set your happiness trap.

Part 3 Creating A Life Worth Living
In this part, you will learn about how to serve your life with follow your heart. You can use your values when you do something and you can realize that values are very important things to make life worth living.  But, Demons will disturb you with many ways. They have plans to make you feel afraid in walking on your life. But, you can avoid it with many ways. Such as you can setting your meaningful goals, you don't set a dead person's goal, Imagine yourself taking effective actions,you have action plans, and don't make it futile because of Demon's word. You should to focus on creating rich and meaningful life, this feeling will give rise to a sense of vitality and fulfillment and this feeling is satisfying as well as long-lasting.

There are synopsis about the book "The Happiness Trap". I think its enough, I'm really sorry from the bottom of my heart about all of mistakes that I've wrote in this blog. See you. 😀

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